Friday, December 14, 2007

My Brother is a TV Star!!!

Here is a video about my brothers project at Work the Titan!
This is really cool. He is Richard Miller for anyone who doesn't know who my little bro is. Enjoy the video and of course buy a Titan!

Sunday, December 9, 2007

RK with Carlos Mencia

RK was able to see Carlos Menica when he came to see the troops. RK had a great time with a great laugh! Thanks Carlos!

RK and EL in front of Al Faw Palace

Here is RK and EL supporting ASU a world away.]

Some Farming Pictures from Iraq

Here are some pictures RK was able to take of the local farming. The River is the Tigres.

RK and the local Kids

Here is a picture of RK with some of the local children, the office was able to hand out candy, clothes and shoes to all the kids thanks to everyone who sent items over. Thank you!